Introduction and Context

The PREVENT duty requires the Education sector to have "due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism", supporting terrorism or being drawn into non-violent extremism.

Counter-Terrorism and Security Act Sect 26 CTS Act places a duty on certain bodies to have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.

Guidance is issued under Section 29 of the Act:

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it
  • Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support
  • Work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to address

Purpose of Prevent

  • Prevent aims to safeguard vulnerable individuals (both adults and children) who may be at risk of potentially becoming involved in terrorist activities.
  • It also aims to support institutions, such as schools, colleges and universities where this may happen.
  • All frontline staff have a responsibility to report any instances where they think they have identified a Safeguarding issue to their Safeguarding

The Prevent Strategy will specifically

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it
  • Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support and work with sectors and
    institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address


All provider staff have a legal responsibility under the Prevent Duty to make sure that:

  • They have undertaken training in the Prevent Duty as identified by their management
  • They are aware of when it is appropriate to refer concerns about learners to the Prevent officer, usually the provider’s Safeguarding officer
  • They exemplify British values of "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and
    beliefs" into their practice

VQ Solutions has taken a risk-based approach to put appropriate measures in place to ensure that the risks of both staff and apprentices, being radicalised are minimised, whilst at the same time balancing its other legal duties, including those of ensuring freedom of speech and learning freedom within the law and promoting equality and diversity. This policy forms part of that approach.

Scope of Policy

This policy applies to all staff and apprentices at VQ Solutions and is designed to help understand the responsibilities around the Prevent Duty. It is designed to identify the process if it is considered that someone is at risk of being drawn into terrorism and who should be contacted to get help.

Teaching, learning and assessment

It is our duty to deliver provision which promotes positive values. Effectively tackling controversial issues can help learners challenge the perceptions and misconceptions of their own and others. To do this, teaching, learning and assessment practices can include:

  • developing questioning techniques to open up safe debate
  • promoting open and respectful dialogue
  • promoting British values


When placing learners with employers we will ensure that:

  • Employers are briefed on their responsibilities with regards to safeguarding and well-being of learners
  • Employers receive guidance on the signs to look out for which may indicate that a person is being radicalised
  • Employers receive information regarding safeguarding
  • Employers know where to access advice and support
  • Employers actively participate in the 3 monthly review process which will cover topics such as health, safety and wellbeing of the learner.


If any VQ Solutions staff suspect or see any signs that a learner is being drawn into terrorism or are at risk of radicalisation then they must report this to
a senior member of the management team immediately.

A member of the senior management team will contact one of the key PREVENT partners such as the Police or by phoning the confidential Anti- Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.
In the event of the number being out of date, then an update contact number can be located from
Staff must also be aware of how to make a referral to the Channel intervention team.

What is Channel?

Channel is an early intervention multi-agency process designed to safeguard vulnerable people from being drawn into violent extremist or terrorist behaviour. Channel works in a similar way to existing safeguarding partnerships aimed at protecting vulnerable people.

Who does Channel work with?

Channel is designed to work with individuals of any age who are at risk of being exploited by extremist or terrorist ideologues. The process is shaped around the circumstances of each person and can provide support for any form of radicalisation or personal vulnerabilities.

How does Channel work?

Each Channel Panel is chaired by a local authority and brings together a range of multi-agency partners to collectively assess the risk and can decide whether a support package is needed. The group may include statutory and non-statutory partners, as well as lead safeguarding professionals. If the group feels the person would be suitable for Channel, it will look to develop a package of support that is bespoke to the person. The partnership approach ensures those with specific knowledge and expertise around the vulnerabilities of those at risk are able to work together to provide the best support.

What does Channel support look like?

Channel interventions are delivered through local partners and specialist agencies. The support may focus on a person’s vulnerabilities around health, education, employment or housing, as well as specialist mentoring or faith guidance and broader diversionary activities such as sport. Each support package is tailored to the person and their particular circumstances.

How will the person be involved in this process?

A person will always be informed first if it’s felt that they would benefit from Channel support. The process is voluntary, and their consent would be needed before taking part in the process. This process is managed carefully by the Channel Panel.

Who can make a referral?

Anyone can make a referral. Referrals come from a wide range of partners including education, health, youth offending teams, police and social services.

Key Terms

What is CONTEST?

CONTEST is the Government's Counter Terrorism Strategy, published in July 2006 and refreshed in March 2009.
The aim of the strategy is 'to reduce the risk from international terrorism, so that people can go about their lives freely and with confidence.' CONTEST has four strands, often known as the four Ps.
The aims of the 4 Ps are:

  • PREVENT - to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism
  • PURSUE - to stop terrorist attacks through disruption, investigation and detection
  • PREPARE - where an attack cannot be stopped, to mitigate its impact
  • PROTECT - to strengthen against terrorist attack, including borders, utilities, transport infrastructure and crowded places

What is Extremism?

The Government has defined extremism as "vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs". This also includes calls for the death of members of the British armed forces.

What is Terrorism?

An action that endangers or causes serious violence to a person/people, causes serious damage to property or seriously interferes or disrupts an electronic system. The use of threat must be designed to influence the Government or to intimidate the public and is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.

What is radicalisation?

People can be drawn into violence or they can be exposed to the messages of extremist groups by many means. The risk of radicalisation is the product of a number of factors and identifying this risk requires that staff exercise their professional judgement, seeking further advice as necessary. It may be combined with other vulnerabilities or maybe the only risk identified.

Potential indicators of radicalisation

A member of the delivery team may have concerns relating to an individual’s behaviour, which could indicate that they may be being drawn into terrorist activity.

NB This might include other members of staff in the delivery team. Potential indicators include:

  • Use of inappropriate language
  • Possession of violent extremist literature
  • Behavioural changes
  • The expression of extremist views
  • Advocating violent actions and means
  • Association with known extremists
  • Seeking to recruit others to an extremist ideology